Online Robot Navigation Using Continuously Updated Artificial Temperature Gradients

Yoav Golan, Shmil Edelman, Amir Shapiro, and Elon Rimon. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2, no. 3 (2017): 1280-1287.

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Jamming-Free Immobilizing Grasps Using Dual-Friction Robotic Fingertips

Yoav Golan, Amir Shapiro, Elon Rimon. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5, no. 2 (2020): 2889-2896.

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A Variable-Structure Robot Hand That Uses the Environment to Achieve General Purpose Grasps

Yoav Golan, Amir Shapiro, Elon Rimon. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5(3), 4804-4811.

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A Vibrotactile Vest for Remote Human-Dog Communication

Yoav Golan, Ben Serota, Amir Shapiro, Oren Shriki, and Ilana Nisky. IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC), pp. 556-561, Tokyo, Japan (2019).

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Object Surface Exploration using Low-Cost Rolling Robotic Fingertips

Yoav Golan, Amir Shapiro, and Elon Rimon. IEEE Haptics Symposium, San Francisco, 2018.

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Object Pose Estimation by Contact with Orientation-Sensing Robotic Fingertips

Yoav Golan, Elon Rimon, Amir Shapiro. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) Workshop on the Robotic Sense of Touch, Singapore (2017).

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15 Years of RoboCup Competitions - Measuring Progress in Multi-Robot Development

Armin Shmilovici, Yoav Golan, Bar-Ilan Symposium in Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (BISFAI) 2013.

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Co-Authored Papers

An assortment of papers I co-authored, but was not the main contributor for.

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